getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2 RPC Method

Returns signatures for confirmed transactions that include the given address in their accountKeys list. Returns signatures backwards in time from the provided signature or most recent confirmed block

Deprecated Method

This method is expected to be removed in solana-core v2.0. Please use getSignaturesForAddress instead.


string required

account address, as base-58 encoded string

object optional

Configuration object containing the following fields:

commitment string optional

Default: finalized

limit number optional

maximum transaction signatures to return (between 1 and 1,000, default: 1,000).

before string optional

start searching backwards from this transaction signature. (If not provided the search starts from the top of the highest max confirmed block.)

until string optional

search until this transaction signature, if found before limit reached.


The result field will be an array of <object>, ordered from newest to oldest transaction, containing transaction signature information with the following fields:

  • signature: <string> - transaction signature as base-58 encoded string
  • slot: <u64> - The slot that contains the block with the transaction
  • err: <object|null> - Error if transaction failed, null if transaction succeeded. TransactionError definitions
  • memo: <string|null> - Memo associated with the transaction, null if no memo is present
  • blockTime: <i64|null> - estimated production time, as Unix timestamp (seconds since the Unix epoch) of when transaction was processed. null if not available.

Code sample

curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress2",
    "params": [
        "limit": 1


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "err": null,
      "memo": null,
      "signature": "5h6xBEauJ3PK6SWCZ1PGjBvj8vDdWG3KpwATGy1ARAXFSDwt8GFXM7W5Ncn16wmqokgpiKRLuS83KUxyZyv2sUYv",
      "slot": 114,
      "blockTime": null
  "id": 1